
10 Easy Skin Secrets Dermatologists Don’t Want You to Know

Cleanse Twice

Most skin ailments come from clogged pores, and clogged pores are a product of trapped dirt and grime. Korean beauty has made its debut in the states and Europe, and it’s because Korean beauty has delivered strong results. The Korean method is to cleanse twice. Use an oil based cleanser first to break down all make up, or a simple micellar water. After that move on to a simple soap to get a true clean. Using a soap before removing all makeup with an oil will clean you a false sense of cleanliness and further pushes dirt into pores.


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3 Responses

  1. farhan mir says:

    Hardly any natural method to keep skin healthy is discussed in this article.

  2. Paula Berlowitz says:

    I couldn’t find the “next page” where to read the article…