
20 Countries With The Lowest Interest Rates For Loans & Mortgages

3. Sweden

All Data below is from the Global Interest Rate Monitor (GIRM)  Current as of: April 2017

Country Interest Rate Amount Of Last Change Date Last Changed Change In 2017 So Far Change In 2016 Change In 2015 Change In 2014
-0.50% -15 11-Feb-16 0 -15 -35 -75


Check out #4 Japan Interest Rate On The Next Page Below

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8 Responses

  1. Osama oc says:

    It’s great. Get the loan and build swisserland.

  2. R Krishnamoorthy says:

    Difficult to believe .Costs are to be borne by the Government?Ridiculous.It boils down to this.Government has no welfare schemes to adopt as all its citizens are well off and are having good income from may be from tourism .

    • Wilson Muir says:

      ‘ no welfare schemes ‘ — so they don’t have police , army , public health , schools , public servants or office bearers . Your neo con wet dream can be found only in Antarctica and between the two Koreas — good luck with your tax free swatch motion movement .

  3. Salvatore Luxor D'agosto Berci says:

    e un video fatto molto bene

  4. Dragomir Draganov says:

    Very misleading, both headline and article.
    I live in one of these countries with “0% interest”. Unfortunately for me, “TCO” for my loan is about 21%

  5. Dita Ditasari says:

    Iki tenan ta ngapus

  6. HemyBayk says:

    Bagus sekali


    hie guys my story is money but now days noone to give loanes like in my country zimbabwe