
5 College Degrees That Will Be Extinct In 20 Years

Hospitality And Tourism Degree


You know those kiosks that you check in to at the airport? That is the projected future of hotels. Majoring in hospitality and tourism is a mistake, because most of that industry can easily be replaced by technology. The need for hotel desk agents, travel agents, and more are truly dwindling.

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270 Responses

  1. brenner says:

    is this some trick to make me accidentally click to an advert in one of this advert filled blog site? well i was too sane enough to click any in this bogus blog!

  2. Petra Havelkova says:

    I dont know, which stupid person just wrote this article. My brother studied pharmacy and everybody, who just knows a littler bit about pharmacy, what this specialization it is, knows, that this specialization needs profound knowledge of processing drugs, trier classification and special work in pharmaceutical industry, not only giving some people some drugs in stores. Nobody can just buy any drug, which is on prescription from any store. And doctors make often mistakes in their prescription, write somethimes bad medicine names of rpescribed drugs, dont know cotraeffects and so on.
    Every serious pharmaceutical company, who produces even cheaper generics, just needs specialists working and analysing results of the structure of analyzed prescription, its sice effects on pacients. Its a specific profession, which can be studied in the food industry. In any case, doctors will not never replace real pharmaceutists, its a stupid idea. Even doctors dont understand well the real chemical results of the prescribed medicine, they know only tested effects and side effects on a person.
    The same in hotel management. Nobody wants to arrive to some new unknown city and to communicate there only with desks and robots. Everybody wants to ask people, where is something interisting in the town, also you can choose some hotel by internet. Robots of this kinds already are here, but they just repeat the learned text. Also the idea that law will once dissapear and everything will be only in accordance to somebody personal will and interests is utopistic idea.

  3. Carmo Almeida says:

    What kind of portuguese is this, anyway? Ridiculous to announce portuguese and show us this kind of language. Stick to english, please.It’s preferable.

  4. Saurabh Pal says:

    Automation will not only take jobs but will create them too as more engineers will be required and robots can not replace human intelligence and understanding in any ways so upto some level it might take away jobs but humans will still be needed to work with them or to make them as robots are not cheap and it would be equally costly to deploy robots for various functions and employ people that is the reason why you don’t see robots doing accounting even though first banking Robot has already been created. Also many automated technologies in backends have also been used but still people are and will always be required as automation can be cost effective for very big industries upto some level only due to the cost and limited error handling capabilities of such automated products.

  5. Ayesha Aslan says:

    Where is the next page? Except for the lingerie ad when you click it.

  6. Soumyadeep Banik Roy says:

    If Robots and Softwares going to take over the jobs, then let them be the customers. We won’t buy anything. Do you know that, to regulate, accelerate and increase the turnover Industries need to invest money in the market. If there wouldn’t be any jobs for humans, then there wouldn’t be any person earning money, and hence no one would have any money to buy goods and services, and do you know what will happen then all the Huge Industries will come to an end. Because the owners are human beings too and they need to survive. And if there’s no one to serve with resources their resources would come to an end. Money was made an instrument to exchange goods and services by,for and between Humans. But if someone wishes to keep all to him or her then he won’t live longer. Even The farmers need money for Agriculture. The World is a place for human beings and machines were made to increase the effort and decrease the time of doing a work not exercising Commerce, Arts, Science and other subjects.

  7. Soumyadeep Banik Roy says:

    Hey King Rocker just go **** ***. Go get some brains, or get yours repaired.

  8. Inbaotin says:

    So far – in the future, we will have a lot of things (great thing)

  9. Ayodele Olamilekan says:

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  10. oucheikh abdelkarim says:

    We better pay our bills online the future is realized now……Making the Nanometric World Sensitive to Touch Science & Life Stephane Régnier

  11. David Hugo says:

    Can’t you just put all parts of this article within 1 page? What da faq! This is silly. Fix your site.

  12. omgwtfbbqhax1 says:

    Where are shitty degree like ‘womens study’?

  13. Benedict Okuk says:


    YOU MUST FIGHT EVERY INCH…………………………………………………………………….


    2. THE FOOD PRICES……………………………..UNGA



    5. CORRUPTION …………………….ZERO ETC



    Hahahahha. KIsii/KAMBAS/LUYHAS !!! ARE NOT sleeping and or WILL continue sleeping. THEY ARE NOT TISSUE PAPERS TO BE FLASHED DOWN THE TOILET……………………………………… WHAT HAS DEVELOPMENT HAS JUBILEE DONE???????????????? LOOK AT THE LIST OF YOUR JUBILEE STAFF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STILL IS IT FORTY (40) AGAINST TWO (2)…….??????????????????????????????????
    President – Muigai
    Attorney General. – Muigai
    Chief of staff. Kinyua
    Speaker N.A – Muturi
    CBK Govn – Njoroge
    CID Dir. – Ndegwa
    NYS Dir. – Michuki
    NIS Director Gen Wachira
    Solicitor General – Mutura
    KRA Comm. – Njiraini
    KPA Dir. – Muturi
    KAA Chairman- Karangi
    NTSA Chairman – Kimani
    NACADA Chairman – Githiria
    KeNHA Director General -Mundia
    Kephis Chairperson – Kimani
    CS Devolution – Mwangi Kiunjuri
    CS Transport – Macharia
    CS Youth Affairs – Kariuki.
    PS National Treasury – Kamau
    PS Interior and National Coordination – Karanja
    PS Health – Murakuri
    Agricultural Dev corporation board members:-
    Joseph Mwereria
    James Karanja
    Julliet Wanjiru
    David Mwangi
    Janet Kirui.
    -James Ndegwa- Chairperson board of capital market
    -Joyce Ngugi- chairperson national council of children
    -Geoffrey Kamau- Kenya Animal genetics resources
    -Charles Waithaka- Micro&small enterprises authority
    -Geoffrey Muturi- National cereal & produce board
    -Freshia Waweru- Anti-money laundering advisory
    -Wainaina Kenyanjui- National housing corporation
    -Chris Kiptoo- capital market authority
    -Stephen Gichohi- Retirement benefit authority
    -Christopher Nyagah- Kenya industrial dev.
    -Judy Kibaki- Kenya investment authority
    -Esther Mungai- National drought management
    -Stanley Michuki- Uwezo fund oversight board.

    Dont forget that:-
    193 County Commissioners out of 259 and
    138 OCPDs out of 252 come from a single ethnic community in Kenya.

    (Be your own judge)

  14. Adriel Silva says:


  15. NaMo says:

    “”and there is no real need for a pharmacist in this world. “” Even Consultants who prescribe medicines have not studied biochemical medicine so they are not aware of side effects, interactions with other medicines that are being taken and have to check it out with the pharmacist.

  16. 이승우 says:


  17. Anna Vasilaki says:

    Since when a pharmacist’s job is to just sell drugs?!!! Pharmacists, chemists and biologists work also in research and development of new drugs… and they are the best to teach the doctors how a drug works!

  18. Muhammad Rizky says:

    mengapa anda harus mengakses cheats kami akan membantu kami mengidentifikasi anda.

  19. oucheikh abdelkarim says:

    I think we need a synchronization between All organizations that have a relationship with the tax To update people ……Magnetic cards are essential!!!

  20. Ionel Popescu says:


  21. Marrietta Grant-Silvera says:

    I can’t read the article, as the only links to continue reading are links to ads.

  22. Robert Gillies says:

    This article is not entirely accurate. Computers and robots will gradually replace the more repetitive aspects of various professions which means there will be a demand for fewer but more highly trained people. Lucky for me Biology was not on the list. Not that I am worried. I am retired.

  23. المحترفون للتكييف says:

    شركات خدمات الصيانة المنزلية





  24. Patrick Masika says:

    Stupid article

  25. mohamed says:

    People are Awesome – Girls Edition 2017

  26. Brent Alan Brashear says:

    I completely disagree with this entire article. The conclusion of this article is computers replaced the need for education.

  27. Knut Holt says:

    It is possible to establish strict international standards in all these fields, and robotisize them all, but then the world would get void of creativity. A better way to go is to make these services more creative, and then there will still be a need for them. Also the robots have to be programmed and controlled with people knowing the fields, and the robots need care and maintainance.

  28. Gilgamesh says:

    Um … Gender studies?

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  31. A.L.M.Ameer says:

    The universities should think of new courses.Win-win situations.Think out of the box and go the extra mile.They are not doing that.One comes to my mind , the big hole in the construction project management courses. There is no Masters Course on Construction Auditing for construction professionals.No University in the world is smart or knowledge enough to think about this course inspite of its global potential of around 500,000 a year.The reason is this.There is a continuing world record loss owing to frauds in audited Govt.funded constructions.It has reached upwards of US $ 4 Trillion a year in 2008 according to Transparency International.10 -30% of the projects costs in all countries.developed or otherwise. GOPAC did suggest in 2015 to have a Technical Audit (with a Pool of Technical Auditors with a union) in addition to the present only Financial.

    There is no Masters course on construction auditing,no creation of Technical Pool and the avoidable loss in public funds to the tune of US $ 7.61 million is lost every minute.That is the state of global higher education.

    Please listen and share with others my You Tube Clip https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqzbonB89c4&t=9s for details.


  32. A.L.M.Ameer says:

    This is pure imagination. For example,an Accountant can never be replaced as people shall always make mistakes and there is a need for proper human check.There will be new courses.Rather than thinking of extinction of College degrees,think of new ones

  33. Saad Ahmed Yaseen says:

    It is a sign of progress and knowledge development to criticise our writings in hot matters and issues. to reach the best no one is totally perfect. . these conversations help us to amend ,correct and agree to a scientific method of interacting 2ith newborn problems Isn’t it. We need an open- minded and awell-educated and versatile people to face our life issue whatever it is to get solutions for the sake of humanity.???

  34. A.L.M.Ameer says:

    We have reached a stage where nobody reads and accumulate knowledge as all the information are in the internet and can be accessed when required.There is a joke both Professor and students get the knowledge from the net,professor before the lecture and students after.Then comes the other.There is no need to spend 3-4 years full time at a University for Degree.Degrees are available on line for a fee with a few assignments.Universities are also cashing in with business development manages.In the end nothing new comes up.Otherwise how one can explain the big “Hole” in all Construction management Courses?There is no Post-Graduate or Masters Course on Construction Auditing for construction professionals.That too after recording an avoidable loss owing to frauds in audited Govt. funded constructions has reached US $ 4 Trillion a year in 2008.After GOPAC suggestion of 2015 to have a Technical Audit in addition to Financial.Realistically speaking there is a requirement of around 500,000 such auditors per year as US $ 12 Trillion worth of construction to be audited.Where are the marketing managers,,Business development managers of Global universities?.The Universities follow super market technique,we have what others have but at lesser cost.

  35. Dannish Darmawan says:

    dear the writer of this whatever you called this writing is, I just want to say that, YOU KNOW NOTHING
    go get a degree before you talk about this

  36. Marko Max Radosevic says:

    This gotta be the biggest sack of human brain fart article ever conceived & seen on screen!!!
    “Hospitality And Tourism Degree” is not all about online search database. Neither is mere swipe to adventure.
    While top destinations like Copenhagen is changing tourism strategy in favor to human approach and hosting skills, instead all inclusive nonsense…and DMO’s outlines seismic shifts in most humane way possible. The author of this disgraceful article should google “Localhood.”

    idk about others but I’m off this “womanarticle” BS

  37. Karim Wael says:

    Thank you

  38. hornetsnest says:

    I think the fake journalist who wrote this article named all the degrees she couldn’t get access journalists will be extinct soon too if you keep up this lousy job so you going to defend yourself against an attorney then good luck on that one

  39. Salam Damai and Peace to All says:

    Quite apart from the badly written SMS style content….What a noisy, annoying web page!! Was it designed by a robot?

  40. Salam Damai and Peace to All says:

    Please tell me how much longer we will have to be bombarded by psycho-babble from millennial “professions”. ….aromatherapist, DJs, wedding organizers, social media designers, and whatever job title the person who designed this abortion of a web page had.

  41. A.L.M.Ameer says:

    In the present context,where Universities are fighting for their market share with Business development managers,Degree fairs etc. we notice lot of cut & paste exercises by Universities to creates courses on line.As getting Degrees becomes easier with on line,there is a big demand for higher qualifications such as Masters for the initial selection by HRS..Lot of courses shall become extinct in lot of universities.

    The Universities must become smarter and create new courses,win-win situations.Please read my LinkedIn Post A “HOLE” IN THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT COURSES to get ideas of new courses.