
6 Easy Ways To Become An Artist & Create Amazing Pieces of Art

Create restrictions

— I know, I know. It doesn’t sound too creative, but trust me when I tell you that restrictions allow so much room for the most exciting discoveries to happen. Art making is tricky. You’re allowed to do anything. You could create anything you could ever imagine. That’s a little terrifying. When you set yourself a few guidelines to abide by, your brain does this awesome thing where it starts realizing different and exciting ways to do the same old thing. Rules like using just one color or creating one subject or only using one brush. Something new always begins to unfold.

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7 Responses

  1. UnexplainedMysteries says:


  2. Tran Tien Anh says:


  3. Carlos Silva says:

    yes, great ideas.

  4. Sandra Lee says:

    This article is really really useful to read. Especially my husband haha. Anyway thank you very much for sharing:
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