
6 Easy Ways To Become An Artist & Create Amazing Pieces of Art

New materials

— This is my most trustworthy trick that never fails me. Using a material for the first time always gets me excited to make new things. If all else fails, go get that one material you’ve been curious about for ages and start experimenting. Thinking outside of conventional art materials is also super helpful.  Glitter and sand are two materials that I never saw myself using, but were huge turning points in the way I started to create.

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7 Responses

  1. UnexplainedMysteries says:


  2. Tran Tien Anh says:


  3. Carlos Silva says:

    yes, great ideas.

  4. Sandra Lee says:

    This article is really really useful to read. Especially my husband haha. Anyway thank you very much for sharing:
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