5 College Degrees That Will Be Extinct In 20 Years
Do you remember when futuristic movies would show a future full of robots? Well, that future isn’t so far away. The robots are coming, and they will take our jobs. The technological revolution we are in is not stopping anytime soon, and automation is a huge part of its growth. We have witnessed this change before, and that was the Industrial Revolution. The solution was creating a more educated workforce to handle more complex issues, and again our solution to this issue lies in education. When choosing a college degree, it is important to be cognizant of the changing world and its changing demands. And so, I have found 5 college degrees that will be sure to be obsolete with the advent of technology.
you still need a college degree
Depends on the degree. Medical, Chemistry or STEM degree, yes. Pretty much everything else is garbage. Especially Sociology, Liberal Arts, English, History, etc. Also, it depends on where you receive the degree. Too many for-profit colleges with poor standards. Especially when targeted in low income areas. Student loan profit mills. I hire in Tech, and I throw these types of resume’s in the trash.
If you hire in tech and trash people’s resumes based on college degree, then you’re doing your job poorly. During my 15 years working in IT I have met absolutely stunning talents who didn’t have a degree, yet they were brilliant specialists.
Agreed 200% with Chrissums and StarLightPL.
I have hired over 500 directly in tech and several hundred more for other companies and have found the degree only means “possible discipline” but no specific or natural aptitudes in that talent area.
I look for after work or out of school interests, idiot savant type focuses and recommendations from classmates on who actually led the workgroups during college/uni.
Then to top it off, there is now so much emphasis placed on degrees that often contain less than 20% focuses on the engineering aspect of the STEM degree. This is why waterloo university in Ontario, Canada outshines many others with much bigger budgets — they have an incredibly strong practical technology focus.
There are always some exceptionally bright people in any subject,
who may not need a college education but not in the numbers of people needed by a modern technological state.
You forgot to mention “political science”.
Chrissums, this is entirely true. However, you forgot to include the different disciplines of Engineering, Physiology, Biochemistry , Molecular Genetics and Medicine.
Half of these “degrees” are pathetic and only found in USA. “Paralegal” & “tourism”? Mickey Mouse degrees. But graduating with a decent qualification proves to a prospective employer that you have the intelligence and diligence to learn anything.
paralegal is legal studies, which is a bachelor degree (4 years) as you “must know” to study law and be layer in U.S. you need a bachelor degree and then do a Doctorate (3 years) to become a Lawyer.
Tourism and Hospitality has from bachelor degrees all the way up to PHD and most countries where is heavy tourism have this career for study. Even Ivy league universities have this degree.
So as you see these “Mickey Mouse degrees” are more common that you might think and not bound to US
I happened to have studied for a PhD which used to have the criterion that something entirely new had to be created and written up in a dissertation before this degree could be granted. I wonder how to assess a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality.
You studied for a PhD so you did research for your thesis and dissertation, I believe you are able and capable of investigating the matter.
For someone with such degree is hard to believe you could be dissing the importance of other careers.
For the rest that might read this:
Tourism and Hospitality is heavily influenced by Administration, finance and other careers. Students of a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality have to do a Thesis and dissertation as any PhD candidate. The examples I have found of research made by PhD of Tourism and Hospitality is for example an interactive demand forecasting tool for tourism related organisations in Asia.
No, Axel, my PhDs were done in engineering science and biology.
After all, basketweaving can also be researched and it may contribute to anthropology and history, but not at the same level as hard sciences..
After all, basketweaving can also be researched and it may contribute to anthropology and history, but not at the same level as hard sciences..
I acknowledge your depth of knowledge. One of the primary purposes of Science should be to arrive at the truth. Then further research must be carried out to discover whether that is the truth. I refer to your statement “After all, basketweaving can also be researched and it may contribute to anthropology and history, but not at the same level as hard sciences”
Did animals teach us one of the oldest forms of human technology? Example the weaver birds. Did this technology contribute to our ability to count ? “Without basketry there would be no civilisations. You can’t bring thousands of people together unless you can supply them, you can’t bring in supplies to feed populations without containers. In the early days of civilisations these containers were basketry. The aim of such research will be to identify the mechanical traditions of making and the ways in which basketry is implicated in wider patterns of understanding, for example the order of society or the design of the universe – example is string theory similar to weaving ? How was the Universe weaved together.Research – It will also show the impact of woven forms on other media, such as pottery, painting, and stone sculpture and architecture, and look at the future of basketry and the solutions it could offer to current issues, whether technical or social.
I absolutely agree. Note that I did not discount the knowledge gleaned from simple-sounding research about basketweaving,
I maintain however, that although his kind of knowledge does contribute to the general database of human knowledge, it did not
have the same decisive effect on our lives as mathematics, physics, engineering, chemistry and the life sciences.
As an interesting aside, I might mention, that studies in nuclear physics and quantum theory showed that science can no longer assert to search for “truth” because this truth is too far removed from out sensory experience. Instead, according to the Copenhagen decision science searches for the “truth” that is compatible with our sensory experience, hence it is only a relative truth confined to our experiential world.
Yes, this is why employers hire graduates, even if their speciality does not fall into the ambit of their company. Getting through a difficult course leading to a decent
qualification shows tenacity and diligence and it gives a good indication of the applicant’s true potential.
Tourism degree includes difficult topics such as “Europe is not in America” lol
What this article doesn’t address is that getting a college degree has never been necessary for any if those professions and acquiring knowledge, but a screening tool and a method of discrimination. Requiring college degrees erroneously allowed companies to discontinue in-house training programs so they buy rather than build employees. Who typically cannot afford college degrees? Single mothers who had babies instead of completing an education and low-income people who are overwhelmingly black, brown and tan. In fact, in the past 30 years the numbers of women and people of color with college degrees have climbed, BUT, no where near the amount of white males with college degrees in the US. You never needed a degree to be a paralegal, accountant, run a hotel, or run the news desk, those were just late 20th century “poll taxes” to keep people out–and it worked! Thanks for saving millions of women and people of color from going into needless debt by formally recognizing that just learning to use the technology is all that’s necessary. Maybe companies will surrender to the changing hues in America and stop the racism and sexism that is requiring college degrees.
I challenge you to find any employer needing a pharmacist to get hired without a degree. A licensed pharmacist is the only one the DEA will allow to keep control of restricted and narcotic medicines.
Do you NEED a degree to become a licensed pharmacist, or can you apprentice and take an exam? I defy you to find a licensed pharmacist over 50 with a masters degree–earned BEFORE he/she became a licensed pharmacist.
You cannot by apprenticing become expert in pharmacy to be so licensed. You have to study and qualify as a pharmacist. Masters degree is not required to practice pharmacy or medicine but professional degree of B.Pharm or Pharm D. Prescription dispensing is more than robotic dissemination of doses to patients. Clinical drug counselling requires the proficiency of a pharmacist. Drug interactions and pharmacokinetics are not over the counter subjects.
I’m still waiting for someone to tell me that a person NEEDS a $100k college education to become a licensed pharmacist. Years ago, young, white males could apprentice for a number of years under pharmacists, dentists, lawyers, and etc. then that person sponsored you for certification in that field. Tests and licensing came about to assure that people knew what they were doing, because someone probably dispensed something that killed someone very wealthy. When anti-discrimination laws against women and minorities were passed, a college education became required, right about the 1970’s. Then SAT’s and other testing to enter college became prevalent, then post college testing started charging fees to take those certification and licensing exams. All to limit who can become those professions. So yes, NOW you “need” a college degree to become a pharmacist but you did not always. For the vast majority of professions a college degree in NOT necessary, but that hasn’t stopped employers for requiring them.
Yes but in the past medicines were also made up of just alcohol.
In my early child hood, besides aspirin there was a cold compress for your headaches, iodine tincture for small scratches and some herbal concoctions, and later sulfa drugs for fever and infections. The big push started after WWII when drugs started to be manufactured on a mass basis.
Don’t forget the fruits of the coca leaf & the poppy. They were the real kickers in those century and longer ago concoctions/elixirs. Heck, Coca-Cola’s name wasn’t accidental; t’was initially marketed as a medicinal beverage @ soda fountains.
Obviously, you do not know what a pharmacist really does or what the profession entails. Being a pharmacist is nothing about counting pills, which is pretty much what the robot does. What if there is a deadly error but the dose is accurate just an issue of drug-drug interaction; drug-disease interaction; drug condition interaction; drug-food interaction; overdose (especially in instances where the dose is okay for the age but entirely wrong because of the person’s disease or condition); subtherapeutic dose (because of the same reasons or because the doctor just has it wrong); missing drug (some drugs have to be prescribed to counteract the potential side effects of some essential drugs- for example certain antipsychotics have to be prescribed with antiparkinsons agents of NSAIDs being prescribed with PPIs or H-2 Blockers or other drugs to protect the stomach); Drug that is prescribed that needs to removed (for example a prescription that has both Hydrochlorothiazide and Indapamide); I’m missing one.
There are nine errors that pharmacists are trained to automatically assess for whenever they get a prescription to fill, would you trust a robot not to miss something or trust that it won’t miss but will also contact your doctor to give you the correct drug with the right dose etc.?
What about Pharmacognosy? Will the robot conduct tests on herbs and develop experiments to extra the active ingredients for further testing to develop new drugs or modify old drugs (Medicinal Chemistry). Does the robot know about Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics and all the others that I studied in order to earn my BPharm? I could continue for ages.
In the country where I live, Manufacturers and Distributors of Pharmaceuticals have to be registered as Pharmacies under the supervision of a pharmacist. Drugs cannot be imported or exported without pharmacists (who issue permits and receive drugs). Medications that are imported have to be assessed or inspected by a pharmacist who then determines if the drug will be allowed into the country or seized for destruction or testing. When you think about medications in any form pharmacists are involved. You DEFINITELY NEED TRAINING FOR THIS. 1 or 2 years or on the job training might qualify you to be called something but definitely not PHARMACIST, CHEMIST OR DRUGGIST.
I’ll stop there.
Finally a really qualified man can elaborate on concrete aspects of pharmacy in contrast to the ignorant generalizing of hostile laymen.
That man is technical in details but naive in logic and technical know how. All those tasks he mentioned above were done by man using equipments, the same robots in question.. While man is busy storing all his hard end knowledge in the cloud internet , one day these machines will become self sufficient while our Brains can barely remember anything..we become slaves to the robots.. The new dorminant species… Without biological hassles and shortcomings.. They will travel the whole solar system mining raw materials to produce more robots.. All they need is electricity and nuclear and quantum fusion energy…MAN SHOULD OPEN HIS EYES..THINGS WILL GO WRONG.. TECHNOLOGY WILL BECOME INDEPENDENT ONE DAY.. the CLOUD WILL BECOME THE QUEEN OF THE ROBOTIC HIVE
Lay off the science fiction, it ruins your mood.
I salute you guy, if it was about counting pills, i sure would have done a math major to do so since its more applicable…this just a forum of illiterates trying to make themselves feel better. The day pharmacy will extinct, majority of the world will get cancer and Jesus will come ??
The robots will take minut e blood samples and run a DNA analysis, and other metabolic integrity tests on the patients.. By then the human genome must have been fully mapped and in databases. So the best diagnosis and treatment will be drawn from a computer database Made of mans entire records on medicine.. Such practices will even make most medical lab scientists obsolete too..because all it takes to analyse biological samaples is just a tiny dot of blood and urine in the right equipment..no professors combined in all medical fields can bit a database of all medical experience since time immemorial floating in the cloud somewhere in the INTERNET
A human cannot run quality control on manufactured drugs without using equipments to analyse the drug samples.. The equipments are the robots
And you think an AI system can’t do that?
If the Pharmacist is supposed to analyse such drug-to-body conditions mismatches, then what is the Doctor’s job?
It’s the doctor who interpretes lab diagnostic results and writes appropriate medicine and dosage for you.
Pharmacists just read the prescription (which uses neutral names not commercial ones) and hands out the appropriate medicine.
Much of what Pharmacists learn in college collects dust in their brain shelves.
i know this is 5 months old but im extremely pissed reading this as i have a pharmacology exam tomorrow. Since you think all pharmacist do is read prescription, next time you get a doctors prescription enter the store and pick up the drugs yourself. Pharmacy isn’t just dispensing, its a branched field which the drug industry needs for development. A doctor doesn’t do a drug drug interaction in a research lab,WE DO. A doctor diagnoses you and prescribe a wrong dose, we don’t correct that? guess who loses their licence,WE DO. Much of what we learn in college we have to keep relearning every time to keep people who don’t appreciate us safe. Oooh the drug development section would be full of poisonous drug without a pharmacist assessing and determining all interactions to do with it. Because we don’t open skulls and and body parts dont make us less significant in the medical field.
A druggist or apothecary did not need extensive education like persons do nowadays to know how one drug may interact with another or how different persons with different biological make ups may react to certain medicines. In any case persons were not expected to live very long back in the days of the apothecaries – medicines were certain concoctions of natural products that were intended to make you feel better, not necessarily live better the way these chemically based medicines are produced nowadays and can be dangerous for you
Are you going to openly and without shame imply that professional qualifications for pharmacy or “the vast number of professions” are required only to exclude women and blacks from this profession?
I doubt it that your have ever succeeded in getting a proper high level education, because I know the types, who have never qualified for anything but hate and disparage those who did.
So…I suppose brain surgeons should only need an apprenticeship to start hacking at skulls if they are “young white males”. What a dumb argument. Qualifications and training and education are needed in order to do the job, not as a means to exclude races or women. Check yourself.
You are probably too young to remember the times when pharmacists were actually mixing the compounds from original raw materials on the premises and you had to come back later to fetch them. This was the time before pharmaceutical companies were preparing and selling ready-made pills, capsules and ointments.
The author of this article has demonstrated a lack of in depth knowledge of what a pharmacist does. Instead of researching the numerous roles a person with a pharmacy degree can enter into, the author simply focuses on what he has seen by walking into a drug store; one of only many dozens of roles you will find a person in with a pharmacy degree. I’m the first to admit, many functions related to what the ‘traditional’ retail based pharmacist performs, could be and have been replaced by either technology or less educated individuals, but until IBM’s big blue can ‘think’ on its own, replacement of the human is far from certain at your local drugstore. As far as rendering the degree useless over the next 20 years…not even close to being likely, especially as more and more states are passing legislation to give pharmacists provider status. I haven’t even begun to list the numerous other roles pharmacists hold in industry, hospitals, government, research, managed care companies, etc, etc. At least do a little homework before you write your next article. No skin off my back if you’re wrong or right with your opinions, I just prefer to read well thought out arguments for your opinions if you choose to write them in a public forum
You are making the assumption that most people know pharmacists from a drugstore. In the future,. pharmacists will be able to conduct in the drugstore some new genetic tests that reveal the highly customized needs of a patient instead of just a doctor’s prescription.
Besides, even today pharmacy is an “integrating science” because it integrates physiology and biochemistry. Of course many pharmacists today who hand out drugs in a dispensary are functioning way under their level of knowledge and this is why some people think that they can be replaced by machines.
The robots will take minut e blood samples and run a DNA analysis, and other metabolic integrity tests on the patients.. By then the human genome must have been fully mapped and in databases. So the best diagnosis and treatment will be drawn from a computer database Made of mans entire records on medicine.. Such practices will even make most medical lab scientists obsolete too..because all it takes to analyse biological samaples is just a tiny dot of blood and urine in the right equipment..no professors combined in all medical fields can bit a database of all medical experience since time immemorial floating in the cloud somewhere in the INTERNET
Wini, you are right.
To be a licensed pharmacist, you need to be able to read, and count to 10. (Of course, reading a Dr’s handwriting can be difficult, I admit).
If the RX is for 50 pills-Count to10, 5 times-It’s not Rocket Science.
Leaveit, don’t be an idiot. It’s a 6 year university study almost as difficult as medicine (in Europe at least). Pharmacists should REALLY know what they are doing.
That must be why they’re allowed to countermand a Dr.’s rx (by refusing to fill) at their discretion. I see how this could be helpful. But I’ve only SEEN it as enforcing a given rx chain’s illogical policies. E.g., CVS wouldn’t fill a very small pain reliever script after still-bloody dental surgery because I was receiving a related pain reliever for migraines (much less than I’d needed in the past). Thanks for the agony, CVS … unable to distinguish very short term post-surgical treatment from acute migraine management. I mean, a computer could enforce that policy. *epiphany!* Oops! I didn’t set out to take that side of the debate!
The prize for the most foolish and ill informed comment of 2016.
Over 50? Or over 90?
Taking personal responsibility is a good start and stop blaming YT for your poor genetics or lifestyle choices.
1. A higher % of college grads are women or course most prefer easier majors.
2. Stop telling low IQ minorities that their failures are the white mans fault, if your IQ is under 100 consider other career options aside from occupation that require degrees.
Veni, what the hell are you talking about?! Nobody’s blaming anyone for anything, apparently you didn’t read my reply. My point is that very few professions require a college. If someone chooses to get a degree, it should be for personal reasons, because it’s not proven that 99% of people with degrees are better performers or smarter, just good at getting degrees.
You said “Single mothers and minorities and stop the racism and sexism of requiring college degrees.”
1. The Goverment provide grants and subsidized loans ( majority of which go to minorities and women.)are two reasons why college is so expansive.
2. Women are close to 60% of college grads now. If anything the degree requirements hurt Working close white males who lack an affirmative action safety net.
3. Often single moms created their own problems due to poor lifestyle choices.
4. I do agree that most Jobs only require at most an associate degree.
I think you should learn proper grammar and spelling before you criticize anyone of Low IQ
Discrimination on the basis of the “colour of skins” is the greatest neoliberal fallacy. There are numerous other characteristics which separate the races. I am not going to elaborate because it will surely be labelled as racism.
By the way, the “weakness and mediocrity” of white men have built countries and cultures which have no equal in Africa. Your racist views are not supported by facts, only hatred. According to you, whites have “stolen everything:” and have never created anything.
This kind of dogmatic drivel very much contributes to the total lack of credibility of their authors. At least this one did not pontificate about “the decolonization of science”,because it is science that is beyond the comprehension of people like this author, and thus they must somehow deprive it form its “white” pedestal. So the general backwardness of these poor nations is due the “colonialists” who purposely keep them poor so that they do not threaten the ignorant and mediocre whites with competition.
Does the author really believe this absolute nonsense?
The Chinese have managed it, so has Korea, Japan, Singapore. Many others have failed.
Oy bigot!
The reason why white countries are developed is because they colonized much of the world. Are you now going to defend the colonization and slavery of millions of people and all the wealth drained from sovereign nations as a positive. Don’t argue over racial superiority the Nazis had the same idea.
Really? Forced colonization ended the in 1975 and longer for most former colonies and these countries had 40+ years without European rule.
I don’t millions of people trying to Immigrant to Africa.
Oh wow 40+ years! The British ruled India for 200+ years and were involved in drain of wealth from India to Britain during centuries of oppressive loot and plunder. With simple interests even at very low rates, the amount works out to around GBP 600 Trillion. Incidentally the economy of UK was worth GBP 8.8 trillion at the end of 2015.
The Dutch ruled Indonesia for 347 years. During that time they took spices, slaves, artefacts and anything else they fancied.
The British Gold Coast colonies were formed in 1821 and Ghana only became an independent state in 1957. The Slave Coast is a historical name formerly used for parts of coastal West Africa along the Bight of Benin Current estimates are that about 12 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic from West Africa, although the number purchased by the traders is considerably higher.
Countries were left with no wealth, uneducated people kept in abject poverty without any concern for native populations. Make no mistake colonisation was not a benevolent force it was brutal and parasitic.
Saying they had 40+ years to sort it out is quite patronizing.
Germany lost WWII, was destroyed, plundered, many man were invalide, citys were destroyed, country divided, no natural resources, and 50 years later?
Leading export nation.
Only that Germany didn’t recover all by itself.
«”intellectual reparations” taken by the U.S. and the UK [for Germany] amounted to close to 10 billion dollars, equivalent to around 100 billion dollars in 2006.»
Also, have you ever heard of the Marshall Plan? [West] Germany was one of the largest recipients of The Marshall Plan money, receiving about 11%.
Cool, you know the truth!! And, thanks for speaking it out!!
XPlane user: The Marshall plan threw money at Germany, but it also required the diligence and know-how of Germans to lift up their country from wartime ruins. The Americans who came up with the money knew the Germans enough that this was to be a good investment. Who would invest such a sum of money in a country, without any proven record of diligence and know-how? It is always the people who use that money rather than the money itself which is just a token of exchange. Yes, this is the truth indeed.
so how do you account for Nigeria – how much oil wealth has been pumped in there? Or Saudi Arabia?
Germany was left in ruins with a ruinous war debt in 1918 yet recovered in 15 years. Why can’t Zaire with trillions of $ of natural resources do the same?
Corrupt politicians and extremely Lazy,rotten stupid citizens
Zaire with trillions of $ worth of natural resources doesn’t have the same trade concessions at the WTO as Germany. Yes inept governance and corruption has a huge part to play but the skew of trade deals in favor of developed economies is undeniable. Moreover Europe has been experiencing negative growth rates in many of its countries. Amongst the worst 10 avg GDP performers are San Marino, Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Croatia and Portugal. That’s six out of the ten worst performances, not an overly encouraging statistic.
Elaine did not have the benefit of the Marshall Plan and the Bretton Woods monetary system. They were still under colonial rule in 1945
Please I really do not know where you are commenting from but it’s ignorant of you to compare Germany to any African country (by the way it’s not called Zaire anymore). Africa was plundered of natural, human resources for 351 years. Approximately12.5 million slaves, excluding the natural resources were plundered, these people were not forced to work in neighboring African towns they were taken away, never to be seen again, they were not maimed and returned home, to develop their land, they were lost forever. Those years were filled with the deceit and treachery of another race interested in only personal gain at whatever cost and it caused a backwardness like no other in the history of the human race. What Africa lost cannot be quantified. You cannot compare what happened for a few years in Germany to what the Caucasian race did to Africa.
Germany started to suffer towards the tail end of the second world war, but for your own benefit let’s say they suffered for the entire duration of the war,4 years and they recovered in fifteen years. By your glorious German example of 15 years recovery after every 4 years of destruction , all things being equal (which they are not), Africa should be back on it’s feet in approximately 1316 years after the abolishment of the slave trade which according to history occurred in 1853. Doing the math that would be in the year 3169. I can assure you that we are developing faster than your glorious Germany, going by things on ground here.
You can continue ranting and whatever else you are doing there but leave Africa out of it but if you want to include us in your argument please state the facts right.
Shame on you.
European s have not taken African slaves. This is another false propaganda by these “wise men”.
You forgot to say the tens of millions killed by colonialism like in Congo by Belgian Leopold or the natural resources still in white international hands that are taking them out of Africa, and the corruption colonialism left behind.
I can see you have never set foot in any developing country let alone Africa, have you?
I reside in Nigeria,I grew up here.
So your point is?
Ok. Do you reckon the problems of your country are caused by all those evil white people? How long have you been independent? Now go to China. They were destroyed by the evil white person, and then by the stupidity of the Cultural Revolution. They don’t have vast resources of oil like Nigeria. A black white yellow or green person can walk safely down the street anywhere in China. China was much much poorer than Nigeria on independence. So what is the difference?
I won’t banter with you. Look at the research on Chinese IQs.
Further to my reply – just one project the Chinese are building for you:
And what are you building in China?
Can I ask what your last comment has to do with anything if you actually read what I wrote you would realise it’s not related neither is it related to the article.
You want to draw me into an argument by writing inciting comments or you want to try to lower my self esteem by making derogatory remarks, I can assure neither would work.
If you cannot contribute to the discuss it’s ok, don’t pick on others.
It seems irrelevant but it was an add on comment. The original has been removed.
I will therefore make the point more obliquely.
Nigeria suffered and benefitted under colonial rule e.g. Education system, a useful language. But the Chinese suffered at least as much under foreign occupations by western poets and Japanese, as well as a long civil war. They were then destroyed by Mao and the madness of the Cultural Revolution.
In 1980 China was certainly much poorer than Nigeria and most of Africa. China didn’t have the benefit billions of dollars of oil revenue.
Yet look where they are today, in 35 years, a position Nigeria may not achieve in another 100, if ever. Why is Africa like that? Why is much of Asia not like that?
First of all I hope you aren’t referring to English as a useful language. No language is more useful than another. Secondly societies that have kept their indigenous languages as official languages actually do better, go check that out.How many Chinese or Asians went into slavery?
When my very great grand parents were alive there were certain days called market days (which still exist) the trader uses certain items to indicate the cost of the wares on sale. The trader most times would not be in the market all day, customers pick what want, and pay the exact amount for the item bought. The trader goes back at the end of the day to clear up. Theft was rare then, things have changed. There was trust, law and order. That’s just a very simple insight of what life was like then. (I am sure you didn’t know that). Slavery and colonization broke down the very fabric of our society, robbed us of our identity and threw us way back as far as civilization was concerned. Trust, law and order, all that disappeared with the duo of colonization and slavery. The colonizing powers did all they could to ensure their divide and rule tactics worked,, smiling to the banks while we were at each other’s necks(in Nigeria the more educated southerners were ruled by the North, something the British ensured. The root cause of the civil war and the deep distrust we still have as a nation today).Then now you turn round a few generations down the line and point absurd fingers at us wondering in unbelievable awe at why we are where we are today.
Wow it’s really true that the victor writes history.
The answer to your question by the way is greed and corruption the things that replaced our moral values when the Caucasians felt they’d had their fill.
There are values the Asians still have because their very essence of living, their culture and societal structures were not taken from them.
I am going to end this thread, there is nothing I will say that will change your view and opinion.
Clue: Chinese IQ is the highest in the world.
because for 1. there were/are no gorillas and baboons in Germany and 2. the Renaissance never went south.
Sarcasm is a literary style but has nothing to do with historical facts.
I have to apologise for my words. I used some words that I really should not have in my reply. I am sorry
Thank you. I also replied like this before even seeing your comment! This person is so ignorant of history the history of the brutality of the Europeans towards all other peoples. Even if Europeans were enslaved or dominated at one time of their history it was not the same type of slavery and colonialism that they practised towards others. They took millions of youth from their villages and cities and expected the countries to function without their most critical resource – humans resource. Then they expected them to “flourish” under slavery or after slavery when they made all the rules and had all the weapons at their disposal to blaze dissenters into oblivion. The history of the Nazi “Aryans” towards others is testimony to the brutality and extreme barbaric wickedness of these people who claim to be civilized.
I agree. So throw away all vestiges of European civilization, which was based on such “ill-gotten gains”. Throw out your cellphone, TV, expensive automobiles, burn the schools, libraries and courthouses down, abandon law, economics and science, tear down paved roads, electrical substations, throw out all electric or gas-operated appliances, you also have no need for trains and airplanes (can you drive them?) destroy computers and printers,
keyboards, tablets, tear apart books. After all, you did not have wheels and writing before the evil whites arrived. Tear down all
large scale farms and convert them into subsistence plots.
The message is that go back to pre-colonial life which was more noble and more satisfying. Because whether you admit it or not,
all of this was invented by the evil whites and their evil colonizing countries, because according to you, without colonies the “incompetent and mediocre whites” could never create these things.
This is what you can and will never answer because it really hurts your ego, that you have never created anything, only tore down things that others created out of sheer jealousy.
you’re too smug about whiteness and its genius, aren’t you? your hubris will be your undoing …
XPLaneUser: Sorry, this is not hubris. The evil whites did not get all this for free. The genius was to recover from world wars,
Nazism, Communism and still keep on creating new and practical science. Now that you want to “decolonize” science, you wish to destroy the only real subject that you have never mastered.
The “undoing” will just be another desperate effort to get rid of
“white science” (if something like this has ever existed) and revert back to the Stone Age. I am sure that some of smart
Africans would rather take over and keep on building what exists instead of tearing it down, because they see how it would also better their lives. Just like the Japanese, South Koreans,
and Chinese chose to adopt rather than demolish science,
smart Africans will do the same regardless of the loud illiterate
So explain to me how China, which suffered equally as these countries you quote, is about to be the richest country in the world?
So how do you account for the wealth of all the European countries without colonies, Denmark Norway Sweden (please don’t tell me they got today’s wealth off the back of Greenland), Iceland and the economies of Japan Singapore and Korea? Or come to that the rise of China, moving more people out of poverty in 30 years than Africa has managed in 60 years of independence?
You reason like someone whose head is filled with maggots. Many Africans or Asians are wsy better than the moron that you are. If only you took time at school and gained some knowledge. Bitter empty-head.
for example nearly all Latinamerican countries are free of A Colonial Power Spain,England or France for over 150 years and yet all those countries are poorer than European countries . Why? Corrupt politicians and lazy,evil citizens
Oy foool!
Read some real history book for change (holywood flicks do not count) and study economics you neo-socialist scum! Nazis are your ideology family members. btw.. 😉
Haha Nazis are my ideology family members! Do you even know who I am and what ideology I represent. Don’t be a troll for the sake of trolling. I have a masters in economics thank you. And please look up neo socialism before you go and shoot your mouth off. Stop embarrassing yourself.
No whites are not racially superior, only a lot more advanced in their development. The usual excuse is that “their countries are not developed, because they colonized the world”. The decisive advantage was innovation, hard work, the concept of technology, mechanization, development of mathematics and scientific research, and social development. According to some new-fangled PhDs, who got their qualifications for racist and politically correct statements like whites stole mathematics and physics, and even architecture from other nations, These are the same types who pocket enormous salaries from companies where they are “in charge of transformation”. Obviously, their audience will applaud them in
spite of them contributing nothing to their welfare, except their words of pseudo-religious intensity.
Kenay Yetu: name calling is a sign of anger for not being able to refute reasonable arguments.
No, my friend. White countries were not developed because of colonization. If you’d just take your blinkers off, you’d realize, that even if they stole raw materials from Africa and elsewhere (which I am ready to acknowledge), raw materials, wealth and money do not build world-class industries, do not invent new technologies or medicine do not create great cities and artworks. ONLY PEOPLE DO. Racial superiority is a myth, even if you call me a Nazi..
So what is the reason that Japan is developed?
Or Korea?
It is a shame that the old racists have passed on such foolishness to their children instead of letting them grow up to use their own minds. The truth is that people (unless they have a mental handicap-which all races have) can learn most anything that they have an interest in and are committed to, providing that they do not have other issues that they allow to sidetrack that focus. To declare oneself superior (because “I’m white”) would be convenient as it would if any other race did that. However, every person in the world was created. We didn’t create ourselves. To be clear, I am not referring to an ideology, but to our physical bodies. I hope you hear me. I’m not responding for a debate session as much as I want our people (Americans) to stop fueling hatred for each other. Yes we’re from different races cultures and the list goes on. But there is one truth that we all share (whether we all believe it or not), and this is international; not one person of any race or ethnicity has created themselves. God created everyone. If one race is superior, then all are superior. And…if one race is inferior, then all are inferior. If that makes sense, it shouldn’t. It makes about as much sense as a white man telling another white man that he is inferior simply because he has freckles and “I don’t.” While neither of them chose their place of birth or their parents, either of them have the choice of being constructive or destructive to their fellow created citizens in this world. Spreading one’s idea of superiority over another verses seeing each other as equals is (you be the judge) destructive verses constructive. In closing, it has been my experience that you can tell those who are truly listening from those who are not. Ask yourself, “While I was reading this, was I really listening or just waiting my turn?”. No response is necessary. I only responded because I care, not for a debate. Just take it or reject it for what it’s worth to you.
Except whites most see difference between Racial Identity and Supremacy and Black Supremacy is tolerated it is about time Whites supported there own interests as we are playing by rules that no other racial group follows. Depends on how you define Superior some “Races” just seem better at creating better societies as few have any desire to immigrant to Sub Sahara Africa.
Chinese have higher IQs than whites.
Is that racist?
This article is click bait crap. Let’s see a robot read a sloppily written prescription or determine if a dose or medication is appropriate for the patient. Prescribing errors happen more often than the author if this “article” may think. Technology can not replace the critical thinking and decision making of a skilled professional that may save someone’s life. I don’t think R2D2 will call your insurance company to get a vacation override.
Bah! I don’t believe any of it. There is no substitute for enthusiasm or passion, no matter what vocation. Also remember, a degree doesn’t merely dump a whole lot of knowledge on you; the important part is teaching you how to ask questions…
The article only scratched the surface of a universal revolution that will make many issues obsolete. Study the “technology singularity” on Google and then come back and tell us you don’t believe any of it.
I have my doubts for in my long life I have seen too many “universal revolutions” all of which fizzled out.
Yeah, like the computer revolution, the AI revolution, the telecoms revolution, the Internet revolution, plastics revolution, new materials revolution, genetics revolution.
So which ones do you recall that havent happened yet?
Lindum, you are right, for all of these revolutions did occur. However, I was referring to this so-called universal revolution, called “technological singularity” which is based on the fantasy of so-called futurologist who have never really defined what they mean. There is some talk about machines suddenly take over all task from humans who will thereby be obsolete and even extinct. In my professional research about the very subject of making the communication between humans and computers easier.
Intelligence is often defined by the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge. On this basis, numerically controlled tool machines, microwave ovens, telephone swictyhing networks and computers are “intelligent” in as much as they continually acq
I am afraid you are really out of touch with AI research – I only know about it because I have several friends who work in the field. What you are describing is traditional computing. I suggest you listen to Dr Sam Harris on the subject. But driving cars autonomously or instant face recognition from any angle, driving vehicles across a wilderness on its own, recognising a human voice among dozens of others, seamlessly understanding human speech, systems which give advice for doctors and hundreds of other applications are not working in the way you think. The machines now learn; they are not simply programmed.
As for your romantic idea that humans are something special – unless you are religious, you are too ethnocentric.
The idea of the technological singularity is not just science fiction, and there are even theories of what one would expect to see as it happens. I would say that we are in the process of it happening.
Just one banal example – the machine in my hand costs a few hundred pounds, and is the equivalent of a Cray super computer in our life time which cost tens of millions in the 80s. Yet I am using it less than 50 years later, typing this for you, sat in an aircraft being flown largely by itself, while on the other side of the world over the Pacific. That is progress.
Actually, “driving cars autonomously or instant face recognition from any angle, driving vehicles across a wilderness on its own, recognising a human voice among dozens of others, seamlessly understanding human speech, systems which give advice for doctors” are all results of what you call “traditional computing” – just on highly complicated level, allowed only thanks to massive and powerfull hardware, possibly diluted by using “swarm” architecture (Tesla).
Thing called “technological singularity” doesn’t exist. It’s only a buzzword for fans of Kurzweil, Daniken and similar authors with great fantasy, but lack of real knowledge.
Also, fact you have mentioned – miniaturization of HW – is just thing, that allowed for more complex processes you call “traditional computing”, which (for now) ended with apps giving advice to doctors. However it’s still based on database with standartised informations which is in contrast with variability of human biology and psychology – including dealing with placebo situations.
However, in some third world countries, I have no doubt it would provide better healthcare.
You assert that there’s nothing fundamentally different about modern systems which learn rather than being programmed… I suspect because you have no perspective on this… I coded 40 years ago on the largest machines IBM ever made and it’s nothing like it was. I don’t know as I’m not in the field, but friends who are on the leading edge of AI tell me that there are huge leaps in what these systems are doing compared to the computer which we are all used to.
You state as a fact “the technological singularity doesn’t exist.” Unless you are god you cannot know. You should learn a bit of humility and know your limitations; in your opinion it does t exist, in mine, and that of others we believe it is happening. Again it may be you haven’t enough persepectivr to see it, or we may be wrong.
Well, apparently you lack a deeper understanding.
Of course, even so called “learning” is based on scripted process. Definitely, there are big differences in capabilities of technology now and then, however it’s still about how complicated code could be created and how much “fluid” it can be without collapsing.
After all, Google’s neural network Deepmind ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DeepMind ) is nice example, as it was programmed as learning machine, which is refining it abilities and knowledge based on non-stop testing and evaluating it’s actions and creating a routines for future situations.
I AM the god – and as far as I know, the only one in wide radius, that clearly really exist… 😀 😀
Lindum I am disappointed in you,. Everything you say proves that you “only hear from friends” but have never done any scientific research yourself. After more than twenty years in artificial intelligence, you say that “I am out of touch” , how come that you see yourself as an authority to judge me?
If after you read my “treatise” above, you think that I “only have a romantic notion of the superiority of humans”, that shows the typical inability of reading and interpreting a set of (for you) difficult concepts. You ramble about “progress” which is another irrelevance.
By the way, I used to fly those 747-400s that “fly largely by itself”,
(autopilot) and can land itself automatically. But you interpret this as a sign that humans are dispensable? What do you really know about automation?
I can no longer debate with a layman.
There is a YouTube video which Elon Musk Sam Harris and a dozen or so of the leading experts discuss how close AI is to achieve human level and super human level AI. All agree that we are close to human level AI – as for automation – this isn’t about automation but far beyond it.
As for being a layman – I admit it – but you have admitted that you are too. A pilot is as far removed from the leading edge of AI as I am.
Lindum, I suggest that you read my previous comments that tells you exactly and at your own intellectual level the difference between programmed and autonomous or self-learning systems.
This has nothing to do with autopilots in aircraft. In my younger years I was an established cutting edge contributor to artificial intelligence, specifically fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms with a fair number of research publications in accredited international journals. So I do not need to compete with you, your alleged expert friends or Mr Kurzweil about this subject.
Explain how you had the time to fly 747s and do I assume post doctoral research in AI?
My suspicion is that you are long out of the field. My information as I said is from alleged friends who are in the field now. They are much more optimistic than you in computer learning.
Lindum, why do you keep responding to me? Stay “optimistic” about computer learning, of which you don’t have the slightest idea. Listen to your “optimistic: friends, if they make you happy.
There are certain basics in every field that can never be circumvented even by your “up-to-date friends, but someone like you without any high-level technical education is liable to believe in “miracles”. As I’ve said, you have the right to do that and I wish you good luck.
You never explained how you had the time to fly 747s and have any more idea than me about leading edge AI. When was the last time you published a peer reviewed paper? I suspect that you haven’t published anything in over a generation. Technology moves on.
Lindum, we are not talking about me or you. It is your choice to pretend the authority to delve into subjects you are not qualified to handle.
I realized a long time ago, that there are a myriad of subjects that I am not qualified to discuss, hence I do not attempt to pass judgements over them.
As to technology moving on, no matter what kind of university-based science or engineering curriculum one follows, the first two years are spent with the basics, like math, physics, chemistry, mechanics, Maxwell’s equations and all that is derivable from them (like electrostatics, electromagnetism, electric motors and generators, communications theory, electrical circuit theory, electricity generation, microwaves and antennas, radio waves) ,etc. However, high you go on the academic rankings, these will not change with advancing technology. In short, advanced technology is always based on the fundamentals which do not change.It might be, that some of them will adopt a more advanced inclusive view, like Newton’s laws vs Einstein’s relativity theory, classical vs fuzzy logic, or laser beams vs the classical theory of light, but the more advanced inclusive form
does not invalidate its predecessor. Of course, you need a university education to realize this. You seem to have a general interest because you are enthused about advancing technology so would it not be appropriate to take some formal studies?
Certain legal decisions are already made by AI systems in the U.K. and it’s growing.
Passion is all very well, and essential no doubt in a poet, but not in an accountant.
Which decisions so far? (Links please)
Look for the Radio4 programme Law in Action. You could even try google.
But I guess you are generation snowflake.
Lindum, do not keep showing that you are just an amateur. What do you know about self-learning systems? It boggles the mind how you
keep stumbling along with statements of utter ignorance, only referring to “friends who know”‘ You seem to have a “technological singularity” in your mind. “Where angels do not dare to tread, fools rush in.”
I rarely comment on articles of this kind, but I thought some of the information here were waaaay too inconsistent and unfair to ignore. I will talk about how it was unfair to accounting since I am an accountant myself.
1) The word “extinct” means completely wiped out and obsolete, and this article says that the signs of the total obsoleteness of accounting are “More and more companies are coming up with ways to do taxes online – from Turbo Tax to H & R Block. In-house accounting is only truly necessary for larger companies, and tax accounting for most individuals can be done online directly.” (this article has already contradicted itself by saying that accounting will be “extinct” but will still be “needed” by larger companies)
2) These “signs of extinction” for accounting are already happening in our times, and -guess what- accountants are still needed in many places. this article makes it sound that anyone on the street who knows English can do accounting on QuickBooks, thus eliminates the need for accountants, but of course that is not true at all. by the way, the “signs of extinction” mentioned in this article are -VERY shallowly- judged by how TAX accounting can be done entirely on software these days, but it does not mention anything of the other vast areas/aspects of accounting to justify this claim.
3) For example, the QuickBooks user has to know accounting well enough to -at least- know when and how he has done a mistake in entering the numbers on QuickBooks (QuickBooks is not going to tell him that “hey, you have entered the information from your bonds issuances incorrectly, correct it!”) so that he fixes it eventually himself. another example, in meetings where the company wants to know how -financially- things went right or wrong, it HAS to have accountants who know their work so that they can give constructive and sound suggestions/judgments on such issues/topics. etcetera…
4) whoever wrote his article, please go and kick yourself in your rear and never venture to the world of journalism again ever (I am being polite) before making such claims, because your “logic” is so shallow that you actually have contradicted yourself in many of the claims that you made here as I have shown.
I rarely comment on articles of this kind, but I thought some of the information here were waaaay too inconsistent and unfair to ignore. I will talk about how it was unfair to accounting since I am an accountant myself.
1) The word “extinct” means completely wiped out and obsolete, and this article says that the signs of the total obsoleteness of accounting are “More and more companies are coming up with ways to do taxes online – from Turbo Tax to H & R Block. In-house accounting is only truly necessary for larger companies, and tax accounting for most individuals can be done online directly.” (this article has already contradicted itself by saying that accounting will be “extinct” but will still be “needed” by larger companies)
2) These “signs of extinction” for accounting are already happening in our times, and -guess what- accountants are still needed in many places. this article makes it sound that anyone on the street who knows English can do accounting on QuickBooks, thus eliminates the need for accountants, but of course that is not true at all. by the way, the “signs of extinction” mentioned in this article are -VERY shallowly- judged by how TAX accounting can be done entirely on software these days, but it does not mention anything of the other vast areas/aspects of accounting to justify this claim.
3) For example, the QuickBooks user has to know -at the VERY least basic- accounting to know when and how he has done a mistake in entering the numbers on QuickBooks (QuickBooks is not going to tell him that “hey, you have entered the information from your bonds issuances incorrectly, correct it!”) so that he fixes it eventually himself. another example, in meetings where the company wants to know how -financially- things went right or wrong, it HAS to have accountants who know their work so that they can give constructive and sound suggestions/judgments on such issues/topics. etcetera…
4) whoever wrote his article, please go and kick yourself in your rear and never venture to the world of journalism again ever (I am being polite) before making such claims, because your “logic” is so shallow that you actually have contradicted yourself in many of the claims that you made here as I have shown.
Omar, you are missing the point but it’s not your fault – the article is badly written. The new tech that’s going to make things obsolete (“extinct” may be too harsh, although it is likely the diploma itself will cease to exist if no one will offer it) is not similar to what QuickBooks offers now. The new tech will actually perform human tasks and employ basic AI. Even companies in the Big 4 are working to automate audit, which will immediately render irrelevant (combined) ~400 000 highly skilled accounting jobs. Do YOU think the rest of the accountants, the kinds slapped on the back of their head by Big4s during audits, would stand any chance then? Neah.
dear king rocker,
thank you for explaining -what this stupid article TRIED to say- to me. but what do you think of the need or necessity to understand accounting firstly to appropriately enter the correct information in the software? can you elaborate on/clarify that for me also please?
thank you again
What the article does not mention is the “Technology Singularity”. You can only have a cogent discussion of this subject if you understand the singularity. Study that subject first, THEN come back and debate robot accounting.
Mistergilgamesh: I do understand the concept of mathematical singularity, but how do you relate this to “technological singularity?”
If I’d take the software-copying function that robots would be doing,
a math function which would have a singularity at one point which would render the function infinite, i.e. useless at that point, that is, it would not render any useful substitute for a human (and not the software) doing it. Is this what you’ve meant?
Read up on it please. There are volumes written on this subject.
Mistergilgamesh: You are only playing the super-knowledgable authority. What is you real qualification? You did not understand what I said about a singularity and this is why you were unable to comment. My own scientific qualifications are quite sufficient and I don’t need your snide and condescending remarks which only mask your own ignorance. This catchword of “technological singularity” is a typical concoction of non-scientific minds with a definite singularity in their brains. If you cannot explain something in simple terms, then you don’t really understand it yourself, just regurgitate what you memorized.
I did understand. Just please do your research first. Look up “technology” and “singularity” then read Ray Kurzwells book “”The Singularity is Near”. There is so much written on this that I feel no need to educate you.
Mister: You are just too stupid and condescending and think that YOU can educate me. I have read some stuff from Kurzweil and to me he does not represent any real knowledge (just like you). People who use the highly mathematical expression of “singularity” for pop science don’t deserve any serious attention.
Besides, you’d have to study for at least an additional 25 years to approximate my educational level.
Why are you so angry? As a neutral party, I do not see what’s so upsetting in his asking you to read up.
Check out my answer to Lindum , but I shall reproduce it here for your sake.
Lindum, you are right, for all of these revolutions did occur. However, I was referring to this so-called universal revolution, called “technological singularity” which is based on the fantasy of so-called futurologist who have never really defined what they mean. There is some talk about machines suddenly take over all tasks from humans who will thereby be obsolete and even extinct. In my professional research about the very subject of making the communication between humans and computers easier, I found the following,
Intelligence is often defined by the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge. On this basis, numerically controlled tool machines, microwave ovens, telephone switching networks and computers are “intelligent” in as much as they continually acquire knowledge (i.e. data) and apply them for various purposes, In fact, following any step-by-step algorithmic procedure can also be considered as intelligent at a certain level. However, humans do a lot more. They also use intuition, past experience, guesses and hunches, rules-of-thumb, as well as recognizing and correlating over-all patterns instantaneously rather than sequentially. Experienced human control operators can translate process uncertainty into effective control action and can also explain their actions in an albeit ill-defined, imprecise, vague, qualitative linguistic manner. Furthermore, they can cope with emergent as opposed to established conditions which is the sign of creativity, i.e. of producing novel solutions to problems not encountered before. It is clear that the subjective intelligence of human operators makes a unique contribution which is not present in the objective quantifiable mathematical modelling intelligence that caters only to the logical mind. The question should arise: how can we include this human contribution expressed in vague, imprecise, qualitative terms in a mathematical model? A mathematical formalism was needed for the integration of qualitative and quantitative information, symbolic and numeric data, computation and human reasoning. This gave an impetus to the study of so-called artificial intelligence and its many disciplines like expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms and their various combinations,
Artificial intelligence is a discipline to study how humans solve problems and how machines can emulate intelligent problem-solving human behaviour. In other words, how to make machines smarter by investing them with human intelligence.
Why did I take the trouble to discuss this subject? Because the futurologists who talk about “technological singularity” have never defined as to which human traits of intelligence, discussed in detail above, they can incorporate into their “universal revolution” of their
high-sounding “technological singularity” which will empower machines to take over from humans. These people have never done any concrete research into specific traits of human intelligence,. hence their high-fangled buzzwords.
Lindum, please read the above carefully. This is not Kurzwellian pop science,
I assure you.
I agree that Kurzweil is probably wrong but you take this way too far. What is “pseudo-scientific” and “non-scientific” and why should it be “scientific” in the first place? Why not philosophical? I don’t even
know what people mean anymore when they call something “scientific”. Because if I look at the current state of science, I can see that in many fields, the majority opinion is gradually but surely crumbling, and the minorities are gradually but surely growing. I can see some real paradigm change taking place in several important areas, but I won’t go into them. If you read about these issues, you can even see that
privately, behind closed doors the majorities are starting to doubt things. What I do think is problematic is that the majority isn’t even willing to debate them in a civilized manner, except for a few enlightened individuals. THEIRS is the truth and anyone else is “anti-science”.
I know people are going to call me “post-modernist” but I don’t care. I don’t think I am a post-modernist. I don’t think my views fit that description. But they did get a lot of things right. The problem is this:
When someone says something is a “scientific fact” they are ignoring just how likely it is that this fact may be wrong. As Albert Einstein said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single
experiment can prove me wrong.” – Albert Einstein
Yes, Einstein said that. A scientist. And Newton (who, by the way, was a deeply religious person) said: “To explain all nature is too difficult a task for any one man or even for any one age. ‘Tis much better to do a little with certainty, & leave the rest for others that come after you, than to explain all things by conjecture without making sure of anything.
Can you see the modesty here? Now compare it to certain contemporary scientists to see what I’m talking about.
I think the reason is that these early scientists were still well aware of the philosophical foundations out of which their disciplines arose. Their philosophical training enabled them to be more self-aware. Although at the same time, if you look at contemporary academic philosophy, it’s kind of a dogmatic place with problems of its own. I would mostly say that it’s because they’ve allowed themselves to be put into a subordinate position to “science” (whatever that is: I mean even the meaning of the term has changed: It used to be any kind of study, even philosophy, only to eventually narrow down to a certain specific set of inquiries).
People just need to chill. Some philosphy may help. Put things in perspective. We can only be “certain” of a very limited number of things. Why can’t we just accept this and welcome different ideas in a more relaxed manner? We can still speculate about things using our reason. If fact, we HAVE to. The human mind was made for it.
So why have we found ourselves in the current situation? I’ll tell you why. Because people need to believe in something. As Thomas Nagel said, the human will to believe is inexhaustible. People need some kind of certainly, whether it’s “scientific fact” or some other type.
I don’t know what to do about this. I don’t have a
solution. Maybe, just maybe people could start taking a deep breath, take a step backwards and learn how easy it is to be wrong.
I should know. I’ve been wrong about several things in the past. Learned my lesson.
So, am I “anti-science”? No. But “science” is what scientists do. And scientists do what they do and say what they do based on the preconceptions they have. And often they are so certain of these
preconceptions and so unwilling to take a look at opposing views. This is not just an individual issue, it’s ideological. It’s structural. So maybe I am “anti-science”. But I’m pro-science at the same time.
Olmy Olm: Unfortunately I don’t understand what you are saying.
I think you veered off the subject matter into areas which were not relevant. You ramble about science and. philosophy, and I don’t think that you have really read my comment. So let me reiterate it.
In my “treatise” above I tried to delineate the components of human intelligence, which go way beyond algorithmic processes..I also showed that algorithmic processes at a certain level can be considered “intelligent” and this is the part that can easily be used by robotic machines. I also showed several attributes of human intelligence, which are non-quantifiable, vague, uncertain, qualitative and which cannot be adopted as a part of robotic intelligence. So far I have nor uttered the word “science”.
The subject was to see if on this basis there might be a chance for robots to “take over’ from humanity. Kurzweil and others suddenly talk about “technological singularity” as some point and a part of a “universal revolution” where robotic machines would “take over” from humanity. These are nice catchwords
and do impress, but I fail to see their relevance to the subject
matter. I am not against futurology and I always enjoyed its various forms. I still remember the saying that every invention could have been considered pure magic before it was discovered. What I dislike is the “pop” aspect where buzzwords are created but instead of an explanation, statements are made that have no relationship to known facts. Such facts are those I described above about human intelligence as a part of research in artificial intelligence as applicable in industrial control systems which were actually built and function. This is partly philosophical, partly scientific exemplified by such real physical systems. It is not some “orthodox” theorizing, based on “preconceptions” where one can surmise the existence of a “different opinion” of a “majority opinion”.
As to science that according to you is based on “preconceptions” you are obviously ignorant as to what scientists do. Scientists do not “do science”, they simply think in terms of certain rules, which are not “preconceptions”.
If you remember your high school geometry, like Euclid’s postulates, which are called “axioms” (not “preconceptions”) considered self-explanatory and accepted by everyone. Euclidan geometry is based upon such axioms, and the rules used are consistent with these axiom. Bolyai and Lobachevsky showed two thousand years later that if we change some of them, an entirely different kind of geometry results.
The so-called scientific method has similar axioms that result in
the “rules” used by scientists. This is the philosophical background of science. The only futurologist who bothered to create axioms related to robotics was Asimov, with his three
rules for robots. Kurzweil and others did not do that,they came up with the wholly unsupportable concept of “technological singularity”. By the way, a “scientific fact” is not a “belief system”, it has to be proven by experiment. Except that in quantum physics, the basic axioms of the scientific method no longer work. But this is another chapter.
I think the writer above is correct. Accountants are in trouble. Finance degrees then come in as suggested. Accounting systems are collet in data from foolproof systems as possible, fixed asset systems, any input data points to produce filings and reports that do not change in principles. As technology changes users to be knowledgeable all components which were half backed to come to the accountant to unravel are coming sorted out in critical type, data sets and then into compilation. There would be nothing anymore the accountant does. Intelligence reporting in dashboards and templates then give the nessary trends and guide lines of KPIs and how business should take a direction. To put it truthful if your job has numbers and clever way of interpretations based on principles it’s gone. We automated the principles and the intelligent to do the accounting.
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افضل صيانة مكيفات سبليت في الرياض
We are nowhere near the point of a “technology singularity”. You cannot emulate something you barely understand and intelligence IS one of those things that we barely understand.
If anyone here needs to do their research, it is you, and I don’t mean reading fantasies written by computer scientist who have little to no understanding of the complexities of intelligence.
We are very, very far from creating an intelligent system.
When you have you degree in not only computer science, but also in neurobiology, cognitive science AND behavioral science, perhaps then you might be in a position to educate someone. But right now, your knowledge on the subject is akin to someone trying to understand the real world by reading Harry Potter novels.
The singularity featured in The Flash?
Dear Omar,
I cannot technically explain how it could be done. The problem is not even cracked yet, so how could I? Thing is, besides the usual copy/paste software robots that follow standard processes, there is a new generation rising that uses AI and machine learning to do more complex tasks. The way it does this, basically, is by learning from a large dataset. Check out how Google’s GO robot works for somewhat of a reference (although that is a board game). Companies are starting to try this, e.g. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2017/01/05/japanese-company-replaces-workers-artificial-intelligence/
The accountants o(and possibly other professiinals affected) of the future could feel obliged to upgrade their skills which are not amenable to AI — for example, managerial accounting demands skills of judgment and alternative propisals for decision making to be placed before top management.
I really wonder how all of us have made this poor written article a success by commenting so much that the goal of this article is achieved I guess. 🙂
As a communication and language scholar, I want to say that any writing that generates controversy is a good one. Any work every Tom, Dick and Harry agrees with may not necessarily be an interesting one
Who are Tom, Dick, and Harry? New accountants?
They’re the cuck squad…
yeah, From the movie Tomorrow never dies I remember the dialog “A good news is always a bad news” I guess its pretty much same case here 🙂
Anybody who wrote this article knows nothing about accounting. I remember when they came with daceasy they said you don’t need an accountant let daceasy do it for you. That’s when accountants got the most work because people who are entering the data don’t have a clue about accounting. With these dumb people the tax man laugh. QuickBooks have a lot of short comings it takes a good accountant to produce a proper set of accounts for the tax department and the banks.
Anybody who wrote this article knows everything about getting page clicks and comments. It wasn’t written to won pulitzer. It was written to get u all commenting here.
it’s a clickbait article, and it works.
right I can’t believe how long this comment thread is. Baited- bate bite
I liked the comment about AI being implemeted to do human tasks though that wont happen for a long time we likely Won’t need accountants till the end of time, aside from some to help develop the AI and that’s a complete assumtion they still may not be neccesary then.
Ha ha, very true
Good professionals yake advantage of new tools and create new functions. Bad ones are substituted by these tools. Obviously, there are some atthe end of career that might prefer retiring earlier.
The most annoying part is when he mentioned law. How will technology drive the meeting in court away??? Is he trying to tell me that computer understand feeling and how to tamper justice with Mercy??? What about the witness….. Is it computer that will interrogate him or her?????
You’re intelligent my friend,well written
Why are you fighting click-bate, written by a professional troll on some fake news site? Don’t feed the trolls. Journalist? You are giving this (likely) foreign teenager way too much credit. Calling an uneducated moron a bad journalist is flattery, not insulting. So, for future reference, any site that has a 5 paragraph article divided in 6 pages is garbage clickbait. If it’s riddled with adware, specially for horrible pop-up/spyware intrusive things like Mac-Keeper and suggests you read non-sense about celebrities at the end of the article, then it’s a 100% piece of crap fake news clickbait site of the worst kind, and trying to intelligently debate it’s worth in the comment section, even if to criticize, only legitimizes it… so please… again, avoid feeding the clickbait trolls. Instead, help people realize what this is, something so laughably stupid and empty, it’s not worth spilling 2 consonants over.
But how did you come to the point of seeing this ? Irony in your comment
If you read my coment trying to understand it instead of looking for an ‘in’ to critizise, you’ll see I’m not debating the worth of the comment, just trying to convince people to stop doing so, and asking others to spread the word. This kind of non-sense needs to dissappear if real journalism is to stand a fighting chance. But whatever, hey, instead of taking in my valid points, go ahead and police the irony why dont you?
@ Al Marenco Saenz,
Thank you for your advice, you are right. I will heed your comments.
Regards, Omar
It grinds my gears to see this type of clickbait. I understand Omar’s desire to “correct the record.” The reason that this type of misinformation needs to be countered with the real world is that there are too many inexperienced and gullible people that believe it as the gospel, because, after all, it’s on the internet so it must be true.
Anyone who has balanced a set of books understands that accounting is not a single entry format where you just enter the information and the computer does its programming magic. That is an naive and absurd notion.
By “fighting back” knowledgeable people attempt to battle the Propaganda War that is driven by attitudes of restriction, hopelessness and futility. The next generation will need skilled people who can manage what will be even more complex transactions and problems. This type of clickbait b.s. discourages initiative and drive to meet the challenges of a disciplined scholarship.
Presenting a “real” financial picture on an income statement, balance sheet and supporting schedules is an art as well as a science. Robots will never foster the ability to make accounting decisions that fall outside the program “box.” Many geniuses that make the type of conclusions found in this clickbait are responsible for the FUBAR situation we face today. They must be exposed and squashed if businesses are to remain on course.
Lol.. wasn’t reading, just heard. Anyway we are gonna need accountants in any form till the end of times.
-bate +bait
but you are right
It’s funny that your reply to a comment is longer than the actual article…
So people like you can understand better
In order to do accounting for taxation purposes one needs to know about tax regulation as I found out when doing my own tax return. Tax regulations keep changing, no machine would do it without having to be reprogrammed & this would require accountancy skills.
thank you. exactly my point.
Yep. I did my taxes using turbo tax but I benefitted far greater using a tax accountant. I answered some questions incorrectly – like it asked if I had any depreciating property. I said no but apparently my rental home was depreciating property. Less headaches and leave less money on the table using a tax accountant.
If this poorly written article is what you are taught to write in your journalism studies, I’m pretty sure journalism degrees will be extinct.
WTF were the degrees even? The article is incomplete I can’t find more than the click bait intro. I can infer that one of them is accounting based upon the comments…what are the other 4, wet niece, buggy whip maker, cod piece polisher, phrenologist…Jeb! Bush…?
Do you really need to worry or reply? I’m a Pharmacist: Haven’t you heard that Computer will replace dispensing role of Pharmacists?
Revenge of the accountants!
Well said, sad to observes Yahoo’s publishing daily garbage’s articles from such poor journalism.
This article is really really useful to read. Especially my husband haha. Anyway thank you very much for sharing:
foods that are surprisingly good for you
That is nice
Well the title of this article is suppose to make you click on the link to sell advertisement not to inform
Finance as a degree are the run of the mill diplomas that were being phased out in countries like the Philippines and guess what Accountancy are being laderized that it evolved now into hybrid courses like Accounting Technology. The writer seems to be uninformed and a bigot.
Anything is possible in the future.
Ok but you forget that even if a user might not fully know when He made an error, technology improves faster than anything on the market and becomes more sophisticated and easier for the user to understand where the error is and correct it.
The author of this article is just making a fool of themselves. It shows shallow and uninformed knowledge about the extension and depth of concepts and procedures related to those fields.
A profession does not become obsolete because an instrumental technology improves. Accounting evolved from mechanicals to computers some 50 years ago. The accountant is not essentially the person who inputs data into the software, but the person who models the information structures and the ledger related processes to make it possible to obtain the reports and demontrations required not only by tax authorities, but for many more stakeholders. “Accounting” is not a synonym to “tax reporting”.
The same mistake was made for the other career. A pharmacist is not just a “prescription filler”, an tourism professional is not a booking agent.
Please, in the future, do a little more research, and consult people from the field before publishing such a huge pile of cr*p.
Just pile of rubbish really.
But it sounds genuine to other politically correct fools.
The article only scratched the surface of a universal revolution that will make many issues obsolete. Study the “technology singularity” on Google and then come back and tell us you don’t believe any of it. As humans, where you look determines what you see. Look further.
This “universal revolution” is pop science for laymen and the uneducated mob.
Brilliant comment. Now I will speculate on what could happen in the midd future: with the new tech those fields may actually become even more specialized, and that could affect the profession in positive ways. Even if automated tools can replace or reduce the need of human labour in some aspects of a profession’s practice, people with in-depth knowwledge of a particular field of knowledge will still be needed to help create new systems for that field of knowledge.
I wouldn’t dare venture when and if the ai field will be advanced enough to completely take over any of these professions.
Stupid article
Please reduce the amount of adverts you place here, this is not intuitive and makes for a pathetic experience.
Such a disrespectful and ignorant article.
“Law itself can be replaced by technology”
But how?
Maybe they watched Psycho Pass and believe fiction will soon turn into reality :p
Oh god that’d be quite scary
I asked myself the exact same question! I can’t possibly see how research can be done without a person conducting it…
Watson. Every case, every precedent. Instant research. No omissions. Oversight may still be required, and creative obiter produced. Ask Siri in 30 years to defend you.
The writer lacks good sense of judgment. How will technology convince or convict a man. No matter what technology it may be, human judgment will still be needed if not we won’t go beyond that limit
that is a gud question. the answer is it will never happen.
You asked this months ago but better late than never I suppose.
AI definitely will replace certain areas of law. Mundane tasks such as legal research and document drafting will almost certainly be the first area of the legal profession to be automated. Considering lawyers charge by the hour for this tedious work, the cost implications are significant – We could see a massive decrease in lawyers fees, although the lawyers themselves might not like the sound of that.
I am not sure if we will necessarily see AI fully arguing cases in a court like Matthew suggests, partly because law is often fraught with nebulous, value-laden principles like “boni mores”, “best interests of society” and “reasonable person” which will continue to require human interpretation. We will also no doubt see roles such as judges remain in human hands, although no doubt assisted by AI in various ways. Drafting will be heavily AI-assisted but like Matthew said will involve human oversight.
This article is silly but it has evoked a lot of anger and upset which I suspect partly lies in the fear of many readers at the suggestion that their current degree/skills/job will become useless in the future. It -is- a scary thought and it will be interesting to see how governments act to protect the interests of sub-optimal human labour forces in the near future. We already see social experiments taking place in Finland regarding Basic Universal Income as a possible answer to a fully-automated economy
الراعى شركة صيانة مكيفات بالرياض
شركة ابادة الحشرات بالرياض
شركة تنظيف بيوت أو منازل بالرياض
صيانة المكيفات بالرياض السبلت والمركزى
فك و نقل و تركيب مكيفات سبليت دولابى
الامن والسلامه شركات المعتمدة لدى الدفاع المدنى
شركة صيانة مكيفات بالرياض وفى الخرج
They forgot JOURNALISM DEGREES, as any BOT could produce what you see on this website TODAY. The need for commentors will also go away, as these can be automatically generated by TROLL BOTs.
“Law itself can be replaced by technology…”. How? Without throwing light into how this can come about means it’s just a statement that can be made by just anyone; it is weightless and not meaningful.
Honestly, based on what arguments you can state such serious matters as which Degrees will be extinct in 10/20 years? I don’t read anything here, but a paragraph with a few lines of supposing ideologies. How do you expect people to follow or believe on cheap and short paragraphs as these? Do you really think Accounting degrees will be extinct in 20 years? Do you really think all hotel staff will be not needed anymore? You will have new hotel concepts will less Front Desk Staff, but you will need people there. The way you put things AI and robotics will replace every thing that human beings do, including IT and Engineering degrees itself because we won’t need to memorise anything else, computers will do it for us. Also, do you really think that the answer for all human questions is on a machine? I tell you what will disapear in less than a yearar, it’s your “womensarticle.com” because what you wrote here is unfundamentad. Investigate, analyse, and think before you write something.
I am just wondering, how did we get from pharmacy degrees allegedly becoming obsolete to some peoples’ favourite idea of racism? Just about any subject eventually degenerates into racism, sexism, racial superiority. Some people just love to convert any discussions into these subjects, as if this were the only really important one.
What a bullshit article. No computer can give legal advice for indeterminate human issues. Pharmacy Dispensing robots have been around for years but are not widely adopted. and the author doesn’t know shit about pharmacy.. compounding is RARELY used…it’s a dying art.
Yes, ordinary bookkeeping can be done thru QB or other off-the-shelf accounting software.
For most businesses, especially publicly-held corporations , financial filings required by the government also requires the signature of a licensed certified accountant.
Audit reports need the signature of a licensed certified accountant.
Would a degree program in Accountancy become obsolete? I don’t think so.
The author doesn’t know what he or she is talking about.
We just wasted time reading this foolish article.
In future technology may do most but not all accounting tasks. A few human accountants will still be necessary.
None of the jobs mentioned will become “extinct” in any of our lifetimes, unless the human race becomes extinct or we nuke ourselves back to the stone age.
The professions will incorporate the new technologies as they come on line, workers will become more efficient, each one able to do more work, and there may be a reduction in total employment in one or more of these fields – but each will continue.
As long as AI is only AI, machines will not actually be intelligent and humans will still be essential in the process.
When machines actually become self-aware and able to think, grow, learn and reproduce, then the kinds of changes needlessly worried over here will become manifest.
the only career to become obsolete is blogging, since google will come up with a auto correct version of writing articles, thus coming up with dumb articles like this twart
A few words of advice to young people reading this article: ignore it, it is one of the dumbest, most poorly written articles I’ve seen in a long time. Give the quality of the article, the author should have include ‘internet journalist’ in the doomed group. Thinking accounting as a profession will vanish because software crunches numbers is like saying engineering will vanish as a degree because we have cad-cam software.
According to this article, hospitality management is going to ‘cease to exist’ somewhat 20yrs later as it would be ‘replaced by technology’. Do you even know what the term ‘hospitality’ means? It means to welcome and serve and play the host such that, the guests feel comfortable which is extremely necessary in hotels, airlines, cruises etc. Such tasks can only be performed by humans. Not emotionless robots!
Relax people. This article was written by AI. That’s why it doesn’t reflect RI (Real Intelligence).
This article is stupid…Pharmacists dont just sell drugs …
I hate such articles that don’t go straight to the point. An not interested in reading next pages. Nkt
Requiring college degrees erroneously allowed companies to discontinue in-house training programs so they buy rather than build employees. Who typically cannot afford college degrees? Single mothers who had babies instead of completing an education and low-income people who are overwhelmingly black, brown and tan. In fact, in the past 30 years the numbers of women and people of color with college degrees have climbed, BUT , no where near the amount of white males with college degrees in the US.
The author didn’t tell us how machines can invent drugs to battle disease in the future. Pharmacy is not only about dispensing/ prescribing drugs.
You need to check your sources well. Technology will assist but can’t replace human judgment in anything.
This entire article makes some good points however, it is a little overboard, some professions will always be there such as CPA’s and Pharmacists. I do some part time paralegal work, and no they cannot be replaced by a computer, although computers make the job easier. So all in all, entertaining but; not very realistic.
Being a pharmacist doesn’t necessarily mean one would only dispense drugs. There are different aspects such as drug design, technology, pharmaceutical chemistry,research, drug surveillance… the list is long. So the writer is quite narrow minded and should have explained further. Being a doctor is not an *elevation* neither is being a pharmacist a *demotion* . pls be careful what you put out there for people to read.
I will avoid this page moving forward and advice everyone I know to do same.Thanks.
There’re so many contrary comments about this article, but I can’t determine if it’s because the writer or the write-up is biased ——- probably lacks sufficient evidence – info; or partly because the responses are from persons holding degrees and diplomas in the said likely extinct human jobs…..Whichever way. Industrial Revolution might be an example, doesn’t mean factories are ‘Labor’ vacant. However, humans have been known to adapt and revolutionize. So, if the future holds that these machines will oversee these jobs, people will adjust. What be the fate, human labor is inevitable.
And the rubbish written in this article doesn’t apply to all countries. Some of this job demand will definitely decrease or “extinct ” but in some areas they will still be on high demands even after 2000 years
¡ Hagan una version en español para el publico latino !
With regards to the “hospitality” degree, all I can say is that as a very frequent business traveller I would NEVER choose to stay in a hotel without human management and staff and I can’t imagine anyone else choosing to do so either. And in the rare event of me calling a company and getting an actual human receptionist rather than a recording telling me “for this option, press one, for that option, press 2……… etc.” when none of the options on offer have anything to do with my reason for calling, I would give that company my custom at once! What is the reason for this dreadful trend to replace people with machines at the customer /service interface? Do we actually NEED fewer jobs FFS?
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Got news for you: after WW3, EVERYTHING will be extinct.
“Law can be replaced by technology”? Bull. Law, politics, and creative arts are three things that require human judgement and cannot be replaced by technology. They may use increasing amounts of technology to serve their purpose, but never to the point of replacement.
Interesting bit of fantasy..but that’s all it really is.
Sorry but this kind of rubbish was said in the 1960’s they thought noone. Would be working by now as computers would do the work. It just wont happen although we really could get rid of most jobs.
Automation wil take over many jobs , but there will be even more jobs for those programming , debugging and repairing the automats , they do not design and repair themselves , and the hardware technology is always changing .
People will just have to be more adaptable , and probably education less specialised . The biggest problem will be in legislation and governments keeping up with the times and management being much more flexible and knowledgeable .
This is what an article should do. Stimulate discussion. Articles may be poorly written so theres a difference between critiquing the mechanics and the point being made.
Technology takes some time to trend worlwide. Even the public internet took more than a decade after initial introduction to cement its place. Robots and automated systems will also take a while to become commonplace but I sense the emotional response in some comments.
Depending on our location(first world country/third world) some persons may not feel the effects of these changes anytime soon but it is good to be aware of these developments and how they could impact our lives.
It is even more important for college applicants to be informed so as not to invest in dying industries eg. Someone I know who got a degree in HR/jobless 6 years now(lives with Mom). Today, HR is heavily outsourced by companies.
Robots will definitely have an effect on jobs especially labor intensive tasks but it will still be a while before any wholesale impact. However, the beginning is close.
Ooh my good
Why are you guys arguing? This “article” and “website’s” sole purpose is to get you to keep clicking to the next page so they and get ad loads ($) for Google adsense and the like. LOL, i’m surprised Google this allows this exploit to continue.
For your information, pharmaceutical companies are required by law dispensing pharmacists and regulatory pharmacists, and pharmacists that specialize in industry. And hey there are a new kind of pharmacists today callee clinical pharmacist that specializes on specific theraputicsof medicine. And hey there are also pharmaceutical scientist that are pharmacists. And by the way automation is also required to be suprvised by a pharmacist
College degrees that should be extinct right now: anything with the word “studies” in the name–Women’s, Black, Race, Gender, etc.
I can mention some that would go “extinct” as well, any and all Social Justice related “degree”.