
Author: admin

10 Ways To Smell Amazing – All Day – Every Day

Everyone wants to smell good. People spend countless hours and dollars on finding their signature scent, but alas half way through the day it has faded. Then there are some people who walk into a room and fill the room with their distinct scent. Personally for me, this was always a goal of mine. I…

Essential Make Up Tips to Look 10 Years Younger

Youth is the ultimate beauty. People around the world spend billions (yes, with a B!) each year on the pursuit of good health in order to fight aging. Whether it be surgery, a special diet, or avoiding laugh lines - youth is truly the ultimate goal for beauty. With the advent of speciality makeup and…

10 Easy Skin Secrets Dermatologists Don’t Want You to Know

Good skin is the basis for a beautiful look. Some of the world’s most beautiful people begin with beautiful skin.  While some people are genetically blessed without much effort, some of us need extra effort to achieve that flawless look. Small changes in your daily routine can have a big impact when looking to get…

Top 10 Travel Packing Hacks Every Girl Needs

So you just booked your trip! The anxiety of planning has melted, but what about packing? Summer trips, holiday trips, or even last minute getaways all require packing skills. It’s tempting to throw your entire closet into your suitcase when packing. But be careful, because most airlines have weight restrictions and it can be expensive…

The 10 Flat Tummy Tricks You Need Right Now

So you want a tight stomach? A flat stomach is key to looking good and feeling good in your clothing. Experts even say most fitness goals begin and end with a tight core in mind. When gaining and losing weight, the first people most people are sensitive to is actually the stomach area. Begin stabilizing…