Top 10 Most Dangerous Countries To Visit
9. Egypt
While the threat in Egypt is declining, it is still not the best time to visit. Terror groups and uprisings still exist, and the threat of attack is never far away. It is gaining safety, but there is no harm in waiting until things settle.
Extremely stupid article. The biggest part of Ukraine is safe to travel to, and Kenya is very safe too. Boko Haram is only active in the north of Nigeria, and not in the south. Colombia is also a very safe destination to travel to.
I beg to disagree with listing Nigeria as second most dangerous country to visit as a matter of fact it does not even fall in the top 10 at all, yes there is the insurgence which is primarily in the north eastern Nigeria but their activities are curtailed by the security forces so please update your list
written i suspect either by a computer or someone using Google Translate. Comment re Ukraine is utter nonsense. Its dangerous if you went to the frontline but nowhere else. what on earth does `It is not uncommon for locals to get involved in the conflict` mean. Separatist militia in the Donbas are locals but locals in Kyiv do not suddenly start fighting each other. Utter complete rubbish.
Similar the comment re Colombia..only a certain type of American thinks that Narcos is historically accurate (yes it was the DEA that saved Colombia and did everything). there are dangerous areas in Colombia but so are there in Washington DC
America would be one of them too since many crazy shooting crimes in recent year
this really is the kind of article one expects from maybe Fox News.. Colombia and Kenya and Ukraine…but not Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Sounds like something re by Trump (stay away from FSB handlers need you to believe its a war zone)
Ohh really pakistan at 1 wow what a lie.
I am not sure about Nigeria. I wouldn’t put it on the same list as Pakistan.
Wow!! all the bad guys! what about the nice guys starting to suffer from terrorrism like Paris, London, Washington, St. Petersburg, etc…. and other coutries like lebanon syria, …. are they considered as safe?
Pretty Stupid un-researched article. South Africa has thousands of murders per year and not even mentioned. What about Iraq or Afghanistan?
This travel guide lacks facts: obviously bc d writers based their judgement on heresy. Nigeria may have some militant incidents like in d case of Boko Haram but it is restricted to a section of the country in d north east.There ar interesting places to be in Nigeria that will offer one comfort and value for money without the distraction of these Muslim criminals.Lagos is by all standard a world class destination for any holiday maker,boasting of world class international and local airports,two major seaports,and top class major hotels.High population is d only dour point, as for transportation,it could be hectic bc of unusually high population (abt 35million for a place the size of Pennsylvania) yet you can easily find taxis in virtually every nook and crannies of d city.This wonderful place poses no danger to any traveller talking abt terrorism,however every city in d world has its downside,there ar criminals and hoodlums in every city of d world:I live in Europe and we see d police here dealing and chasing criminals everyday.The capital Abuja is a modern day wonderland.A beauty of a city.First class hotels,out-of-this-world infrastructures.Here you can afford to sleep with ur two eyes closed without care.For d adventurous,the southeastern cities of Calabar and port Harcourt can give you value for money.close serenity to the Atlantic,international and local airports, wonderful people,interesting buildings and outdoor holiday locations,beautiful clean streets.These areas ar predominantly christian enclaves.The criminal bokoharam cannot operate here,besides it is a creation of d rogue Muslim cabals in govt to destabilize and reap profits from the purported confrontation with security personels. Travel to Nigeria is safe as far as the afore mentioned areas are involved.And they ar Nigeria’s best holiday locations.Nigeria is not just abt bokoharam,don’t mind the news being circulated,it is a fraud being used by some Muslim cabals in govt to enrich themselves thru defence allocations. Ever since d first attack till to d present, they have been operating in d northeastern party of d country. They don’t hide their enclave,the authorities know yet they continue to hit their targets there at random and with impunity bc they have collaborators and sponsors in d ruling class.They don’t pose a threat to most interesting parts and economic areas of Nigeria.
Really?! Nigeria?! It’s as true as Obama being my Uncle. This article is just based on hearsay from the internet and not well researched. Nigerians are too dumb around foreigners, they treat them like long lost relatives. The only crime they’d probably commit is inflate prices of goods to foreigners. Oh and I’m a Nigerian, been here all my life
Colombia is not dangerous anymore I have been to Bogota (less tourist area) and the only thing that got me scared was stray dogs.There are so many police in the city you feel safe as a tourist.
Where is the Bosnia and Hercegovina?
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Where is Romania ???? Lol
Just just 2% of Nigeria is affected by book haram
A series of Netflix can not be a source of information. More responsibility is required when these rankings are elaborated
Guys who want to ride in Russia? Come to me, meet everyone and show you and tell you how the Russians live!
Only #10 Ukraine? Don’t let me see you on the streets of Zakarpatya
I think in this day and age, and with the ease with which information can be shared, it is somewhat disheartening to find that on a list like this, there is no clarification on which parts of the countries have security issues. For instance, in Nigeria, the security threat (Boko Haram), is in the North eastern part of the country. Other areas such as the commercial capital, Lagos, are not subject to the whims of the terrorists… please distribute accurate & clear information…..
That list is badly elaborated, what about Syria?
Venezuela has the world´s worst shithole President (Nicolás Maduro). But the country and the people are great.
Mentioning Kenya in list is baseless and even talking of guns and blast in rual areas, never lie the world.
Ridiculous, ignorant article. You lose all credibility by having Ukraine and Colombia in the same league as dangerous war zone countries in Africa and the Middle East. You don’t even have Somalia, Iraq, Syria or North Korea??? Lol. My wife is from Colombia and I’ve been there many times. Never once have I felt unsafe or unwelcome. We bring our children there. Yes there is violence in certain areas. But it doesn’t hold a candle to Chicago or St. Louis. Please don’t write about things you are clearly beyond ignorant of. Travel to Colombia! Its safe and beautiful.
Seriously? You’re basing the perceived danger of a country from a Netflix series? Well, then we’ll we’re at it, let’s base our perception of Travel to Miami on Scarface. What a stupid article. I’ve traveled all over Latin America and we’ll there is certainly crime and poverty (just like in the US) there isn’t any entire country to avoid. Especially if you just use basic common sense (just like in US). Colombia is a beautiful country and doesn’t deserve to be on this list. Its much less dangerous than it was 30 years ago and even then it was only certain parts. Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Honduras are overall where the most unrest is.